11 paź 2017

„Odnawiamy szlaki turystyczne - zadbajmy o promocję gminy Frysztak”

Gminny Ośrodek Sportu i Rekreacji we Frysztaku, Urząd Gminy Frysztak, Ziemia Frysztacka -Stowarzyszenie Promocji i Rozwoju, Gminne Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej oraz Nadleśnictwo Strzyżów zapraszają do udziału w akcji pod hasłem: „Odnawiamy szlaki turystyczne - zadbajmy o promocję gminy Frysztak”.

W sobotę 21.10.2017 podczas wycieczki planujemy odnowić odcinek prowadzący od Zespołu Schronu Kolejowego - Stępina Cieszyna do kapliczki znajdującej się w Rezerwacie Przyrody Góra Chełm.
Celem akcji jest wspólne odnawianie, szlaków, ścieżek i oznaczeń turystycznych. Atutem gminy Frysztak jest połączenie pięknych terenów bogatych w walory estetyczne, przyrodnicze i krajobrazowe z regionalną tradycją, dziedzictwem kulturowym i historycznym.

  • 10:00 zbiórka na parkingu GOSiR Frysztak,
  • 10:05 wyjazd busem w kierunku Zespołu Schronu Kolejowego, (osoby z okolic Stępiny mogą czekać przy schronie),
  • 10:30 wyjście na szlak wraz z prowadzeniem prac związanych z odnawianiem znaków ścieżki przyrodniczej(szlak czerwony). Podczas marszu planowane jest także naniesienie szlaku na GPS w celu przygotowana strzałek kierunkowych wraz z kilometrażem.
  • 12:00 przerwa w centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej w Chytrówce (pieczenie kiełbasek),
  • 12:45 Wyjście z CEE w kierunku kapliczki,
  • 14:00 powrót busem do Ośrodka Sportu we Frysztaku.
Więcej informacji na stronie GOSiR.Frysztak.pl lub bezpośrednio pod tym linkiem - kliknij tu!

11 komentarze:

  1. "Revitalizing hiking trails – let's prioritize promoting Frysztak municipality. With captivating campaigns and engaging content, showcase the beauty of our trails and attract adventurers from near and far. Together, let's put Frysztak on the map as a premier destination for outdoor enthusiasts. Explore, experience, and embrace the natural wonders awaiting in our picturesque region."
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  4. Frysztak captivates with its rich cultural heritage and picturesque landscapes, offering a charming escape into tradition and natural beauty. Its serene environment and historical significance make it a unique destination for exploration and relaxation. brunswick va traffic lawyer

  5. Create content that draws attention to the unique features, historical significance, and scenic splendor of Frysztak. Consider articles, movies, or posts on social media that highlight local landmarks, nature trails, and historical site Involve the Community: Incorporate residents into the marketing initiative. People can be drawn in and given a sense of authenticity by their stories, pictures, and experiences. punishment for solicitation of a minor Soliciting a juvenile is a serious offense that negatively impacts children's welfare and society. Penalties include legal penalties, mandatory registration, therapeutic interventions, and public awareness campaigns. These measures discourage such behavior, inform communities, and ensure access to counseling and rehabilitation programs for offenders.

  6. What a fantastic overview of the Frysztak Commune Sports and Recreation Centre! It's wonderful to see a community space that offers such a variety of activities for residents of all ages. The emphasis on promoting health, fitness, and social interaction is so important, and it seems like this center truly embodies those values. I love the idea of encouraging local sports and fostering a sense of community. Can't wait to see more updates on events and activities happening there—thank you for sharing! virginia beach prostitution lawyer
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  7. The "We are renovating tourist trails" program in Frysztak commune promotes outdoor recreation, ecological awareness, and environmental stewardship. It involves community involvement, enhancing natural beauty and fostering sustainable tourism. sex offender lawyers near me When choosing a sex offender attorney, consider their expertise, communication, compassion, outcome, and professionalism. Emphasize these elements in your review to help others make wise choices. Consider factors like clear and timely communication, understanding of the legal process, and professionalism.

  8. The initiative emphasizes the importance of maintaining hiking trails for community health, tourism, and ecosystems. It calls for volunteer days, educational workshops, cooperation with local organizations, and promoting responsible hiking. The initiative also encourages responsible travel and promotes Leave No Trace guidelines, promoting community engagement and promoting responsible nature appreciation.dui lawyer henrico va

  9. Renovating Frysztak's tourist trails is a great initiative that shows a strong commitment to protecting the area's cultural heritage while fostering tourism. It is imperative that the infrastructure and accessibility be improved in order to draw tourists and highlight the commune's cultural significance and natural beauty. family lawyer in manassas Experienced family lawyer in Manassas, VA, offering compassionate legal representation for divorce, custody, and support matters.

  10. The "Odnawiamy szlaki turystyczne, zadbajmy!" initiative emphasizes the importance of preserving and reviving hiking routes. It involves community involvement, awareness campaigns, resources and funding, and volunteer programs. The initiative encourages participation in trail clean-ups, education on the importance of well-maintained trails, and seeks funding from community organizations, NGOs, or local governments.dui lawyer waldorf md
